This is a summary of what the Parish Council has been up to over the past year.
Membership & Responsibilities
The Council has remained the same throughout the year:
Paul Musgrove –Chairman, Clerk and Website
Simon Buttars – Roads
Pat Sweet – Responsible Financial Officer
Clive Wall – Planning
Matt Vellacott – Footpaths & bridleways
The Parish Precept in 2021/22 increased to £2,927. However due to some revaluations the cost per household stayed much the same as the previous year.
The account for the year is elsewhere on this website. The major expenses for the year were some new Salt Bins and refurbishment of two fingerposts; one at the first corner from the A38 into Greenham and the second at Appley Cross.
The controversial planning issues during the year were the ongoing effects of change of use at Appley Orchard Farm to include a sawmill and the discovery of a “Scoping Opinion Request” being made for an incinerator at Greenham Quarry. Both issues are ongoing as no decisions have been made by the relevant Planning Authorities.
Highways & footpaths/bridleways
Refurbishment of finger signs will continue and a provision for this work has been placed in the budget for 2021/22.
The website covering both Stawley & Ashbrittle continues to be updated
with news of Stawley Council Meetings, the Parish News and other local interest stories.
Stawley Parish Council continues to work due to the time given to it by the Councillors to whom I give my thanks. There have been no major problems during the past year so there were only eight meetings.
Paul Musgrove
June 2022